Installation guide Office 2016 for MAC
PC - 32 & 64 Bits

  • MacOS 10.12: Sierra (Fuji), macOS 10.13: High Sierra (Lobo), macOS 10.14: Mojave (Liberty)
  • Windows 7 (SP1) 8, 10, Windows Server 2008, 2012 R2. .NET Framework 3.5
  • 1 Gigahertz (GHz) oder schneller 32-Bit (x86) oder 64-Bit (x64) Prozessor
  • 1 Gigabyte (GB) RAM (32 Bit) oder 4 GB RAM (64 Bit)
  • 4 GB verfügbarer Festplattenspeicher
  • DirectX 9-Grafikgerät mit WDDM 1.0 oder höherem Treiber
The product you have purchased comes pre-activated on a Microsoft account, please follow these steps to take ownership of the account and install the product on your computer or device. Uninstall the previous version of Office that you have on your PC and restart your computer. This is important to avoid compatibility problems.

Open the link and log in with the account and password delivered to your email.

Open link here


Enter a new password to take possession of your purchased product. In the first field use the password sent to your e-mail, in the next two enter the new password of your choice. Make sure it contains at least 8 digits with at least one capital letter.

Once logged into your account, under the “My Account” section, click “Manage Installations” to begin the installation process.

Under “Installation Status” click “Install Desktop Applications.” This option will vary if you are installing the product on your tablet or mobile device.

Select the language of your preference from the drop-down menu marked “language”. The product will be installed by default in the 32-bit version. If you want to install the 64-bit version click on the “advanced” option.

Select the desired version between 32 or 64 bits.

After you have chosen all the desired options, click “Install.”

The installation file will be downloaded, choose “burn file” when required.

Once the file has been downloaded double click on it to start it. Its location may vary depending on your browser.

This will start the online installation process. Depending on your Internet connection speed, the process may take 30 or more minutes.

You will be able to see the progress bar of the installation.

Once the installation is complete click “Close”. Now you can find the Office packages in your Start Menu or using the Windows search option.

In order to verify that the product activation has been carried out, you can open any Office package such as Excel and go to File-> Account ”. You will see the Microsoft account associated with the product.

Microsoft hat die Unterstützung für einige ältere Produkte schrittweise eingestellt. Daher ist eine telefonische Aktivierung nicht mehr möglich. Sollten Sie während der Installation Probleme oder Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren 24/7-Kundendienst.
Wir wünschen Ihnen eine erfolgreiche Installation. Sollten Sie dennoch Probleme oder Fragen zur Installation haben, wenden Sie sich bitte jederzeit an unseren Kundenservice. Wir werden Ihnen so schnell wie möglich helfen.